Winterizing Your Car: Things to Consider

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When those cold Longmont, Colorado winters arrive, it’s best to prepare your car for the elements it’s going to face. Winterizing a car is not unlike winterizing a home, and the general principle is very similar. Winterizing can save you money, save you maintenance, and prepare you car for cooler temperatures, slicker roads, and harsher elements. Here is a quick checklist to make sure you car can face those elements without leaving itself or you at risk.

Get an Oil Change

Colder temperatures reduce the viscosity of the oil which reduces the lubrication to the engine. It’s good practice to have the oil change longmont co and do any car repairs before the weather changes, and this is especially true for Longmont residents who are used to cold winters. Old and sludgy oil also reduces the effectiveness and viscosity of the oil meaning it not only will your engine burn up more oil faster, but it also can in severe cases cause engine inefficiency. Worst case scenario, old and sludgy oil causes the engine begins to overheat as the cold weather reduces the effectiveness of the oil. That can cause serious damage to the engine and greatly decrease the lifespan of the car. Switching to a thinner oil will also help during the winter months since thinner oil circulates better.

Check Belts and Hoses

Cold weather is difficult on supple and bendable objects like hoses or belts, especially those that are transmitting fluid. In the winter months the normally soft material can freeze and become weaker so a cautious owner will want to make certain that all the belts and hoses are in good shape and can survive the coming storm.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Since cold weather causes the air pressure in tires to decrease, it’s important to be sure that the tires have good air pressure. Even better, replacing them with snow tires is probably the best option, and if you have four wheel drive on your vehicle, being sure that it’s in working order and that all the transmission fluid is filled is an excellent idea. You’re going to want your tires to handle as well as they possibly can on slick on slick or snowy roads, so making sure all those things are checked and ready is a great idea.

Things to Stock in Case of an Emergency

You can’t place too high of a premium on preparedness. It’s always a good idea to never leave your house without a cell phone, and as for your car there are number of good things that you should keep in the trunk at all times. Among them are: flares, jumper cables, a first aid kit, warm blankets, granola bars (in case you get stranded), water bottles, a folding shovel, and kitty litter (in case your tire gets stuck somewhere).

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